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Work with Me

Attract People with Your Story

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What I do

Showing you how to deliver jaw-dropping moments, illuminate your messages to captivate the room using your experiences and spoken authentically with your voice. Create vivid experiences & inspire ACTION!

Telling your story will enable you to resonate with your clients, inspire your team and connect with new markets.

FREE Master Classes 

You’ve probably been told storytelling is the best way to connect with people and inspire them to take action.


But how do you do it? If you are still talking about features and benefits or relying on stilted website copy generated by ChatGBT we need to talk! 

Your stories are valuable business assets if you shape and craft them with purpose.  Deliver them with intention.  Allow them to grow over time. They are living assets. Masterclass Topics Include:

  • Craft the Perfect Pitch The Story Of YOU!
  • Match Your Stories & Messages
  • Empowered Voice
  • Speak with Clarity Focus and Flow 
  • Handle Q & A like a boss!

I offer a Small Group Workshops to get you ready to Step Into Your Voice and Unleash the Power of Your Voice


Follow Spot

Retained Group Coaching


Monthly for 3 Months Minimum

  • Twice monthly opportunity to practice and develop skills 
  • Pitching
  • The Art of Q & A
  • Value Story
  • Purpose Story
  • Origin Story
  • Embodied Speaking Techniques for Effective Delivery
  • Read the Room How to Engage and MOTIVATE  Your Audience 
  • Training Followed by Open Forum  Supporting Your Current Speaking Needs
  • Group Connections & Practice with Humans!


Interviews Panels Podcasts


one-off cost

  • 4 Small Group Sessions 
  • Social Pitch Introduction
  • The Art of Q & A
  • Embodied Speaking Techniques for presence and style
  • Read the Room How to Engage an Audience moving them to Action
  • Workbook
  • 1:1 Coaching Session Follow Up
  • Group Connections & Practice with Humans!

1:1 Coaching

Telling Your Story connects you to your purpose and value like nothing else can.

Telling Your Story gives others permission to tell theirs.

I work with clients on their trailblazing signature talk. Using vocal techniques and Story Structures to amplify their authentic voice and tell their story so it resonates and ignites ACTION.

By working 1:1 we can tailor our work to take you from your current speaking level whether nervous novice or jaded professional with habits you need to address to truly free the storytelling trailblazer you are. You will experience tangible changes and progress over the coming weeks rather than months.


Discovery Call

Let's discuss your needs


30 minutes

  • 30 minute call to ask questions and discover how I can help you with your presentation skills, structure, delivery style and learn about your story



Most Popular Bespoke To You


3 Month Retainer

  • Structured Story, Message and Key Purpose Done For You
  • Calls To Action which Ignite Desired Response
  • Learn embodied voice and body techniques to give you presence and power
  • Preparation Techniques to Presentation Effectively on the day
  • Discover the 3 types of projection to land your message every time.
  • Field Guide Style Workbook to Develop Your Ideas and Chart Our Process
  • Identify Your Key Stories Match to Key Messaging
  • Identifying Metaphors | Image | Challenge | Humour | Sensory Description as Golden Thread to Weave Throughout
  • Design a master Keynote
  • Distil Elements into Micro Presentations
  • The Art of Q & A, Podcasts Interviews & Panel Discussions
  • Speaker Page Constructed
  • TEDx Application Explored


Working with Tech and R&D Teams Presentation Planning & Speaking 

Let’s grab the attention of people who value your vision, expertise and believe in you. 

Move from being an Order-taker and Report Giver to a TRUSTED ADVISOR.

No more piecing together presentations with no idea of what works or putting in a lot of work and not getting the response you want.

Speaking effectively and cohesively as individuals and together as a team will make a greater impact on Senior Leadership, Trustees & Board Members achieving bigger business goals for your organisation - and ensuring your budget is approved!

Objectives of 4 Team Sessions:

  • Structuring your Content to be Clear, Attention Grabbing & Memorable
  • Know how to LISTEN to audience and engage them through the power of storytelling
  • Define the Key Message and Metaphor to serve as a gleaming detail to weave throughout stories
  • Use Your Voice Effectively Pitch, Tone, Volume, Clarity
  • Delivery techniques to dial in authenticity

Hire Me To Speak

Stacia uses personal and traditional stories, client case studies and powerful questions to engage, empower and inspire your audience to think deeper and wider.  She is an entertaining speaker with a wide knowledge and varied performance acting & storytelling experience which she draws on to engage audience in her interactive talks.

Book her to speak as she has on podcasts, panels and events: Focus on WHY, Women of Action, The Entreprenora Podcas‪t, Lovelda Women of Power, In & Around Canary Wharf, Sister Snog, City Women, Successful Mums in Business Summit, The 3 Counties Expo - The Step-Up Club and others.

3 Stories Every Business Should Tell
You’ve probably been told storytelling is the best way to connect with people and inspire them to take action. But how do you do it? You may have lots of stories, but which are relevant and how do you use them to illuminate your message? (interactive workshop component) 

Finding Your Voice
After being steeped the stereotype of powerful women as witches, bitches or evil stepmothers it’s time we reclaimed our POWER! Find Your Your Voice & How To Use It an interactive talk & workshop for Women to project authentic confidence, expertise, and ease consistently, no matter the audience.

Change the Narrative
How do you rewrite the story?  What story are you telling yourself Lone Wolf, Starving Artist, Wounded Healer, Impostor? This talk is all about writing the next chapter using the technique of branching narrative --just like interactive video games!
